Couplet-photograph: An open dialogue

In recent years, I have been reflecting on the photographs that I had taken and realise that they are my reflective dialogue with the environment at certain moments of the place or on certain ideological situations. As a whole, the photographs form an archive of scattered thoughts over time. They represent a continuity in my ideological beliefs about society that is often paradoxical. Furthermore, when pairing up some photographs strategically, the meanings and representations of individual photograph mutate and are transformed. As a consequence, they sustain continuous dialogue with the public that is constantly in flux. [Couplet-photograph: An open dialogue] is inspired by the visual format and philosophical implications of the Chinese couplet, through pairing up two photographs, they form an open dialogue in context and ideas between them, thereby expanding the initial representations of each photograph and instigate further meanings.

King Tong HO

June 2020

對圖: 無言不盡

不知從何時開始,發覺自己拍攝的照片,是表達我在某時、某地對週遭環境的一些想法;或是那一刻的感受,觸動往事而作的回應;也有反映某時、某地的社會現象。當我比較宏觀的審視這些日積月累拍攝下來的照片時, 發現它們除了表達個人思想片斷外,很多照片傳遞的意念,自相矛盾或似是而非。有趣的是,如果將這些照片放在一起,它們之間可引發出更開放的思考空間。 《對圖: 無言不盡》靈感來自中國對聯的對話形式,著意將二張拍攝於同時同地、同時不同地、同地不同時、或不同地不同時的照片組合一起, 產生一個無言而意不盡的對話空間。


对图: 无言不尽

不知从何时开始,发觉自己拍摄的照片,是表达我在某时、某地对周遭环境的一些想法;或是那一刻的感受,触动往事而作的回应;也有反映某时、某地的社会现象。当我比较宏观的审视这些日积月累拍摄下来的照片时, 发现它们除了表达个人思想片断外,很多照片传递的意念,自相矛盾或似是而非。有趣的是,如果将这些照片放在一起,它们之间可引发出更开放的思考空间。 《对图: 无言不尽》灵感来自中国对联的对话形式,着意将二张拍摄于同时同地、同时不同地、同地不同时、或不同地不同时的照片组合一起, 产生一个无言而意不尽的对话空间。

