Gordon WU




Gordon WU (吳道揚)

Gordon WU’s grandfather NG Yew Sui (吳堯緖) was born in 1884 and came to New Zealand in 1908 at age 24. He was one of the 21 founding members of the Tung Jung Association of NZ Inc (Established in 1926)*. In 1928 NG Yew Sui brought Gordon’s father Leslie WU (吳耀堂) to New Zealand on a returning trip from China. Gordon’s mother Foonlin LOWE 劉煥蓮 with her daughter Doris 吳佩瓊 came and reunited with the family in 1937. She gave birth to Gordon in 1938.

Gordon is a very active member of the Chinese communities and was the president of the Association from 2006 to 2019. A fluent Cantonese speaker, he is one of the few New Zealand born Chinese who reads and writes traditional Chinese. As such facilitates his interest in research into the Chinese history in New Zealand. He has been regularly helping with the New Zealand born Chinese sourcing out their family trees and their history. Recently, he has awarded The Queen’s Service Medal (QSM), which will be presented formally in December 2021, for his contributions to the Chinese communities.

In the Object photograph, the pair of cymbals was a gift from the associates in China to the Association long ago. The framed photo of NG Yew Sui (吳堯緖) was taken in 1925-26 in Wellington and displayed in the Association rooms in Frederick Street among the other founding committee members, for an unknown reason it was lost during a move of the Association. One day in around 2017-8, it was returned to Gordon by a local Kiwi, reunited with the family and the Association.

I posed Gordon, a humble gentleman, in front of his portrait painting, by a Sichuan artist Yumin MU (木玉民), inside the Association, reflecting his commitment to serving the Association and the communities, like his grandfather.

* Abbreviation: Association

King Tong HO





吴道扬的祖父吴尧绪生于一八八四年,于一九零八年抵达纽西兰,时年二十四岁。他是新西兰东增会馆 (一九二六年注册)* 的二十一位创会理事会员之一。 吴尧绪于一九二八年往中国故乡,归程时带同了吴道扬的父亲吴耀堂来到新西兰。一九三七年,吴道扬的母亲刘焕莲、带同女儿吴佩琼、来纽西兰与家人团聚。吴母于一九三八年诞下吴道扬。

吴道扬十分活跃于东增会馆及华人社团,自二零零六年至二零一九年,他是东增会馆的会长。吴道扬会说流利广东话,是少数能阅读及书写繁体中文的土生土长华裔,这对他研究纽西兰华人历史很有用,他经常帮助土生华人探究家庭历史。最近他获得英女王服务奖章 (QSM),以表扬他对社区的贡献,奖章将于二零二一年十二月正式颁授。

静物照片中的一对钹,是中国东增鄕友、很久以前送给东增会馆的乐器。旁边吴尧緖的照片,于一九二五至二六年间在威灵顿拍摄,展放于 Frederick Street 的东增会馆,与其他创会会员并列。照片在一次会馆搬迁时、原因不明地遗失了;二零一七至一八年间某天,有一本地人将照片送回。


*简称: 东增会馆






吳道揚的祖父吳堯緒生於一八八四年,於一九零八年抵達紐西蘭,時年二十四歲。他是新西蘭東增會館 (一九二六年註冊)* 的二十一位創會理事會員之一。 吳堯緒於一九二八年往中國故鄉,歸程時帶同了吳道揚的父親吳耀堂來到紐西蘭。一九三七年,吳道揚的母親劉煥蓮、帶同女兒吳佩瓊、來紐西蘭與家人團聚。吳母於一九三八年誕下吳道揚。

吳道揚十分活躍于東增會館及華人社團,自二零零六年至二零一九年,他是東增會館的會長。吳道揚會説流利廣東話,是少數能閱讀及書寫繁體中文的土生土長華裔,這對他研究紐西蘭華人歷史很有用,他經常幫助土生華人探究家庭歷史。最近他獲得英女王服務獎章 (QSM),以表揚他對社區的貢獻,獎章將於二零二一年十二月正式頒授。 

靜物照片中的一對鈸,是中國東增鄕友、很久以前送給東增會館的樂器。旁邊吳堯緖的照片,於一九二五至二六年間在威靈頓拍攝,展放於 Frederick Street 的東增會館,與其他創會會員並列。照片在一次會館搬遷時、原因不明地遺失了;二零一七至一八年間某天,有一本地人將照片送回。


*簡稱: 東增會館
