The Seyip Association of New Zealand Inc (Established in 1949)


The Seyip Association of New Zealand Inc (Established in 1949)

In the last mid-century, the most common gift for a new home or office was a mirror-plaque. It conforms to the format of traditional calligraphy and painting to compliment the receiver. It usually hangs conspicuously high above on the wall calling attention to both the giver and receiver. I never liked it when I was young. In time, I realised that it is a tribute to the interpersonal relationship between individuals and groups.

 When I visited The Seyip Association of New Zealand Inc it was a bright sunny morning. I posed the delightful members as a reflection on a glittering mirror-plague hanging on the wall next to the window. The mirror-plague was a gift from the then committees of the Association to celebrate the opening of the first building in 1950, inadvertently showing a trace of respect. Wishfully, I have connected the past and the present.

When I asked the members what kind of objects could represent the Association, they showed me a large wok and aprons with the Association's name printed. Yes, what is jollier than having good food in a gathering? I hung the bright-white aprons under a framed deed that has listed the members who funded the purchase of the current property in 1981. Together they are a harmonised pair, bland and light; like Chinese rice-porridge, they compliment the taste of food and the lighthearted friendship between members. The Chinese say: the friendship between gentlemen is as bland as water [君子之交淡如水]; lingering on forever.

King Tong HO





当我询问会员们有什么物件可以代表会时,他们提议我拍摄一只很大的烹调镬或印有会名的围裙。维系社员的感情,莫过于透过愉快地分享美食。我将洁白明亮的下厨围裙挂在一画框下,该画框列有一九八一年资助购买会现址的会员名单,不经意地显现出对资助者的一丝尊敬;淡淡的,尤如白米粥,更能衬托出主食的味道。古语说: “君子之交淡如水”,细水长流。






當我詢問會員們有什麼物件可以代表會館時,他們提議我拍攝一隻很大的烹調鑊或印有會名的圍裙。維繫社員的感情,莫過於透過愉快地分享美食。我將潔白明亮的下厨圍裙掛在一畫框下,該畫框列有一九八一年資助購買會館現址的會員名單,不經意地顯現出對資助者的一絲尊敬;淡淡的,尤如白米粥,更能襯托出主食的味道。古語說: “君子之交淡如水”,細水長流。

