

Tony & Penny PAT


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Tony and Penny PAT

It was a bright and airy afternoon in Christchurch when Tony and Penny greeted me at the entrance to their modern farmhouse. I didn’t have a plan for the photographs to take before meeting them.  I only knew that they still kept the first modern tractor of the old days that replaced the horse in farming. When Penny served me afternoon tea, Tony (JOONG Gok Fook, 鍾國福), (nickname Cabbage King,) showed me a classic Leica that he asked his father CHUNG Chun Pat [鍾松柏] to purchase for him in one visit to Hong Kong, decades ago. However, he rarely practised photography but committed to his farming career.

When I asked to photograph not only the automated but also the hands-on farming gears, I was shown the well-kept primitive treasures that once were the intimate tools of the hands-on daily routine of many family members for years.

Before I left, I took some portraits of Tony with his Leica to recollect his dream at young. I never had told him that owning a classic Leica was my dream at young.


King Tong HO



钟国福与 Penny PAT

一个明媚的下午, 我在基督城 钟国福 和 Penny 的现代化农庄会面。见面前我还未有拍摄的具体计划, 只知道他们保留有取代用马耕种的第一款现代化拖拉机。Penny 以下午茶款待我时, 钟国福, 暱称 Cabbage King, 给我看几十年前往香港旅游时, 要求父亲钟松柏买给他的 Leica 相机。然而他甚少拍摄, 而投入于他的农务。

除了自动化的器械, 我更拍摄了他珍藏的手动原始器具, 这是当年很多家庭每天操作的亲密工具。

临别前, 我替钟国福与他的 Leica 合照, 以重温他年青时的梦想, 我没告诉他, 拥有一部经典 Leica 也是我当年的梦。





鍾國福與 Penny PAT

一個明媚的下午,我在基督城鍾國福和 Penny 的現代化農莊會面。見面前我還未有拍攝的具體計劃, 只知道他們保留有取代用馬耕種的第一款現代化拖拉機。Penny 以下午茶款待我時, 鍾國福, 暱稱 Cabbage King, 給我看幾十年前往香港旅遊時, 要求父親鍾松柏買給他的 Leica 相機。然而他甚少拍攝,而投入於他的農務。

除了自動化的器械, 我更拍攝了他珍藏的手動原始器具,這是當年很多家庭每天操作的親密工具。

臨別前, 我替鍾國福與他的 Leica 合照, 以重溫他年青時的夢想, 我沒告訴他, 擁有一部經典 Leica 也是我當年的夢。

