Lucy HIAM was born in Edinburgh in 1931, when her father Zheng Yitong was attending the University of Edinburgh. He later became the Chinese Minister to Australia (1945-1946) and the Chinese Ambassador to Iran (1946-1949) under the KMT government. Her family experienced successive turmoils occurring in China during the 20th century. A British subject and a registered nurse as well as a midwife, Lucy arrived in Wellington in 1957 to marry her English fiancé, whom she met in England. Over the following 60 years, she has lived in Wellington, Hamilton and Auckland, and has been known as a public health nurse, a coffee shop owner, a Chinese cook on a radio show, a teacher of Chinese language, an active fundraiser for charity, and a devoted Catholic church goer. Indeed, her personal life is not typical among the Chinese in New Zealand, but casts a light on the complex aspects of how a Chinese migrant woman has engaged with and been accepted by the mainstream society.


Phoebi LI



Reading Lucy HIAM’s tiny and precious commemorative book, I am drawn to a page that her mother CHEN Chun’e [陳春萼] wrote to her in 1944 at her age 13: “If one lacks gravitas, then he [or she] will not inspire awe in others.”* [君子不重則不威]. It is an aphorism from the Analects of Confucius [論語] to encourage her to have dignity in what she does and how she behaves. In doing so, she will gain respect from the others. Lucy** went through a turbulent life when young. Her father ZHENG Yitong [鄭亦同] was a government official in wartime. She was born in Edinburgh, and has lived in Australia and Iran. She became a first-generation New Zealand immigrant when she married her husband in Wellington in 1957.

When I posed Lucy next to a dragon lamp, sunlight flooded in and glowed upward, radiating and enlivening her, the dragon, and the family photographs on the wall. In the portrait photograph, she stands with dignity. In the still life photograph, I centred the camera angle on the commemorative book with the page of her mother’s dictum opened. Behind it is a photograph of her parents in an oval ivory frame. They sit proudly on a wood-crafted chest. The falling sunlight shivered through the curtain, unevenly tossing a turbulent and yet respectful vibe.

I am fortunate to have captured the two transient moments of awed sunlight.

* “If the noble man lacks gravitas, then he will not inspire awe in others.” Excerpt from The Analects of Confucius [論語]. Translated by A. Charles Muller. Retrieved from

** Excerpt from Lucy’s biography, written by Phoebe Li.


King Tong HO



郑洛西,一九三一年生于爱丁堡,其父郑亦同当时就读爱丁堡大学,后来担任民国政府中国驻澳大利亚公使(1945 - 1946)、中国驻伊朗大使(1946 - 1949)。二十世纪中国接连不断的动荡令郑家命运多桀。一九五七年,以英国国民身份,同时亦为注册护士暨助产士,洛西抵达威灵顿与在英格兰相遇的英国裔未婚夫完婚。随后六十年间,她生活在威灵顿、汉密尔顿、奥克兰,曾为人所知是一名公共卫生护士、咖啡店主、广播节目中的中餐厨师、中文教师、活跃的慈善活动筹款人以及虔诚的天主教徒。诚然,在纽西兰华人中,她的个人经历并非典型,但却展现了一名华人移民妇女如何与主流社会接触并被接纳的多面性及复杂性。





阅读郑洛西那细小却珍贵的纪念册时,其母亲陈春萼在一九四四年、郑洛西十三岁时写给她的句子吸引了我。[君子不重则不威]*,意思是一个不庄重及没威信的人、无法启迪别人对他的尊重。句子出自孔子论语。母亲以此勉励她在做事和行为上要自重,才能受人敬仰。郑洛西** 年幼、正值战时,父亲郑亦同是政府官员,一家经历动荡。她出生在爱丁堡,曾经在澳洲和伊朗生活。一九五七年与丈夫在威灵顿结婚,成为第一代移民。

我请郑洛西站在龙形设计的灯旁拍照,阳光从窗子泻入、向上熠熠发光,令龙及墙上的家庭照活现, 与她一同散发著光彩。肖像中的她庄重地站立。拍摄静物照片时,我的摄影角度以纪念册为中心、揭页是在她母亲的格言,背后有她父母的照片、镶在椭圆形的象牙镜框内。它们骄傲地立在雕刻的木柜上。透过窗帘,日光流洒、不规则地荡漾, 带着敬意。


* [君子不重则不威]摘录自孔子论语。A. Charles Muller 英文翻译。取自

** 摘录自李海蓉撰写的郑洛西自传。





鄭洛西,一九三一年生於愛丁堡,其父鄭亦同當時就讀愛丁堡大學,後來擔任民國政府中國駐澳大利亞公使(1945 - 1946)、中國駐伊朗大使(1946 - 1949)。二十世紀中國接連不斷的動蕩令鄭家命運多桀。一九五七年,以英國國民身份,同時亦為註冊護士暨助產士,洛西抵達威靈頓與在英格蘭相遇的英國裔未婚夫完婚。隨後六十年間,她生活在威靈頓、漢密爾頓、奧克蘭,曾為人所知是一名公共衛生護士、咖啡店主、廣播節目中的中餐廚師、中文教師、活躍的慈善活動籌款人以及虔誠的天主教徒。誠然,在紐西蘭華人中,她的個人經歷並非典型,但卻展現了一名華人移民婦女如何與主流社會接觸並被接納的多面性及複雜性。





閲讀鄭洛西那細小卻珍貴的紀念册時,其母親陳春萼在一九四四年、鄭洛西十三歲時寫給她的句子吸引了我。[君子不重則不威]*,意思是一個不莊重及没威信的人、無法啟迪別人對他的尊重。句子出自孔子論語。母親以此勉勵她在做事和行為上要自重,才能受人敬仰。鄭洛西** 年幼、正值戰時,父親鄭亦同是政府官員,一家經歷動盪。她出生在愛丁堡,曾經在澳洲和伊朗生活。一九五七年與丈夫在威靈頓結婚,成為第一代移民。

我請鄭洛西站在龍形設計的燈旁拍照,陽光從窗子瀉入、向上熠熠發光,令龍及牆上的家庭照活現, 與她一同散發著光彩。肖像中的她莊重地站立。拍攝靜物照片時,我的攝影角度以紀念册為中心、揭頁是在她母親的格言,背後有她父母的照片、鑲在橢圓形的象牙鏡框內。它們驕傲地立在雕刻的木櫃上。透過窗簾,日光流灑、不規則地盪漾, 帶著敬意。


* [君子不重則不威]摘錄自孔子論語。A. Charles Muller 英文翻譯。取自

** 摘錄自李海蓉撰寫的鄭洛西自傳。

